Saturday, 10 March 2007

Blogging, blogging.... back

It’s time to resurrect the blog.
It’s going to be a little different from the last one; and written from a different place in a different time zone.

Exactly what I’m going to write about, I haven’t decided yet. Nor even where I'm going to write it: I did set up a blog with a different provider, and much more user-friendly so long as you didn't try to do anything too innovative.... like providing links to sites they disapprove of. And they disapprove of linking to any sites owned by commercial companies, except big ones like Amazon who presumably have paid a nice fat fee forthat privilege. For anything else, you have to upgrade your service, at cost of about £130 per month (more if the dollar gets stronger.) Which is a shame, because apart from that they provided a much cleaner, crisper service. :-( So, I'm back on Blogger now... but having tasted briefly a better blogging experience, I'll be keeping my eye out for something than Blogger.

The last blog had the advantage that it was about my life in a country and culture that was completely new to me and to the people reading this. Now I’m living in a city which most people have heard of…
I’ve got a few ideas of what could go on this blog. I’ll try them out and if you think they’re crap, tell me and I’ll get rid of them. Or maybe not; it’s my blog, after all. ;-) This one won’t be as chronological as the last, but it means I can write about what I want, when I want, rather than needing to describe the fate of Little Miss Sunshine before coming on to the joys of dog fat.

Anyway, the first post is written, and I’ll try and update this blog at least a couple of times a week. Feel free to spread the word to other people. ;-)

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